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About the Author

Ava Murbarger is a lot of things...

- young author

- Christian

- homeschooler

- PK

- lover of wolves, mythology, architecture, etc.


She tends to reread the books she comes across at least twice. In the writing world she works primarily with fantasy and science fiction and has been telling stories as long as she can remember.


That writing became something more than a hobby when she realized the struggle of trying to find truly good stories among the rest. Since then, she's written plenty of stories, helped edit multiple works from budding writers, and worked to improve her writing and create stories that someone might just want to read about.


Ava lives in a small town in Illinois with her parents, little (but only slightly younger) brother, and crew of chickens led by a very fine rooster, Phoenix. When she's not writing, she enjoys reading, playing her guitar, dreaming up new worlds, helping out at her church, and being with friends and family. 


Stay in contact by subscribing to her newsletter.

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Stories Shape Us

Our world is a world of stories. In a place where tales, legends, rumors, and sagas are so prevalent, it's easy to get lost in the jumble - but against what we might think, not all stories are fruitful to read.


Stories teach and shape us, either in the way they were intended to, or in ways even the author couldn't see in the beginning. With such great stories out there, we shouldn't have to worry, but it's all of the less than good (in other words, bad) stories that muddle the lines of morals and show you gore for the sake of gore, sin for the sake of sin, that we have to look out for. A story should, in the end, teach you more right than wrong.


Some stories may be "better" than others in the sense that they're written with fancier prose or a greater level of creativity, but when it comes to the message, it can't be lukewarm. Your hero should fight to figure out the difference between the right and wrong, or whatever they may have to get past - but when the ending comes, don't let the borders smear. Answer the questions you've put before the readers and answer them the best you can... otherwise you're breaking a promise.


In the same way, each of us have stories of our own. I read something recently that was really interesting to think about - ultimately, every worldview is a story. There are times when stories reach people better than an argument, however strong, would.


That's why I won't make my stories immoral or escapist - if you're going to long for another world, long for heaven. Golden streets, gates of pearl, and the Light ever guiding us in eternal perfection. It doesn't get much better than that.


So have fun with stories, but allow them to be more than entertainment - let them set fires in your soul, fill you with wonder, give you glimpses of a world beyond our own. And someday, when our stories are done, we'll meet our Author and truly know what it means to be shaped through a story.


Until that day, may our adventures point to Him (and maybe our slow days, too).

Awesome Quotes from Awesome Writers
"Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it. The greatest heroes stand because it is right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives. Such selfless courage is a victory in itself."
- N. D. Wilson
"We all forget from time to time, and so we need one another to tell us our stories. Sometimes a story is the only way back from the darkness."
- Andrew Peterson
"Never forget what you learned in the light when you're in the dark."
- Bryan Davis
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If you're interested in my writing, have questions, or just want to say hello, contact me at...
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